Weizi Li / 李玮孜
I am an Assistant Professor of Computer Science in Min H. Kao Department of EECS, and a member of Institute for Future Mobility at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. I founded and direct the Fluidic City Lab.
I was a Michael Hammer Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT and I received my Ph.D. from the UNC Chapel Hill, working with Ming C. Lin. I have also spent time at Disney Research, Lenovo Research, National University of Singapore, and George Mason University.
I am passionate about leveraging multi-agent simulation and machine learning (especially reinforcement learning) to design next-gen cyber-physical infrastructure for urban environments. The main themes of my research are autonomous systems and urban mobility.
My projects are generously supported by National Science Foundation, U.S. Department of Transportation, U.S. Department of Energy, UT Center for Transportation Research, UT-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute, and NVIDIA.
Contact: weizili [at] utk [dot] edu